Delayed Effect Issues

The impact of hating your job is colossal and may follow you in your later life. A university in Ohio conducted a study, a study that tracked the job satisfaction of people between ages 25-39, and then measured their health once they turned 40 years the study found those who had low job satisfaction in their 20s and 30s were more susceptible to mental health issues later on, including higher levels of depression, sleep problems, and excessive worry. Those who had bad job experiences in their early careers also showed higher instances of diagnosed emotional problems and they scored lower on a test of overall mental health. Our mental health also affects our whole mind – body system. It’s like a ripple effect that’s lead to one feeling impotent, making easier to get stuck there because mental illness just doesn’t allow for a path out. Sadly this means we are more likely to remain in a bad situation because we cannot motivate ourselves to find alternatives.